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GeschlossenGeschlossenThe Museum of World War I and the Bavarian Police Museum
will remain closed on the 22 September due to the Ingolstadt triathlon.

Forms of War 1600-1815
The new Permanent Exhibition

Stadtidentität Ingolstadt. Festung
Ausstellung im Neuen Schloss (ab 22.11.2024)

Object of the month
Silver Cup for an officer

Sonne, Mond und Sterne
Ausstellung im Neuen Schloss

The Grand Vizier's Tent
Exhibition in the New Castle

Treasure Chamber
Exibition in the New Castle

Soldatenbilder 1650-1820
Ausstellung im Neuen Schloss

Wa(h)re Fälschungen
Exhibition in the Turm Triva (from 11.10.2024 on)

Flat Figures
Exhibition in the New Castle

Museum of World War I
Reduit Tilly in the Klenzepark

Bavarian Police Museum
Turm Triva in the Klenzepark

Beginning of Peace?
Bavaria 1918-1923 (Exhibition only in German)

Bavarian Army Museum
New Castle

Museum of World War I
Reduit Tilly in the Klenzepark

Bavarian Police Museum
Turm Triva in the Klenzepark

The Bavarian Army museum is one of the great museums of military history in Europe. The collections focus on Bavaria in its European context and cover the period from the late Middle Ages to the present day.

The Bavarian Army Museum seeks a critical and historically accurate reflection on military confrontation and the role of the army in history and their impact on people, society and government.